Online Class
love & accepting myself
For many in the church today, it is easier to love others than to love themselves. Many love God and want to please Him, but still have trouble understanding that he loves and accepts them for who they are, and not for what they do.
Love and Accepting Myself teaches individuals to take life-changing steps towards developing a healthy self-image, as well as discover how to see themselves through God's eyes. Get ready to uncover the beautiful love that God has in store.
The Student Manual is the workbook for this course, and includes questions and answers.
Online Class
how to study the bible
Learn how to study the Bible more effectively. This ground-breaking book presents three guidelines to having a more fruitful Bible study. Many have seen their quiet time dramatically changed as they rediscovered, or even discovered for the first time, the practical applications for studying the Bible.
Online Class
Anger can be a normal and healthy emotion. However, if this emotion is taking over one’s thoughts and actions, it has become unhealthy; It’s probably time to seek help for a better way of responding to difficulties. Through Anger & Personal Rights, individuals will learn the motivations behind their aggression. They will also uncover more productive ways to channel their anger and express their emotions. This valuable guide provides practical methods for conquering this potentially life-controlling problem.
Online Class
spirit empowered
This course explores what true spiritual power is, and how it can have a practical impact on the life of the new Christian.
Have you ever wondered what role the Holy Spirit plays in the lives of believers? Perhaps you have desired the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in your own life. Spiritual Power & the Supernatural talks about the influence of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers, and shows the impact He can have in individuals’ lives if they let Him. Through Him, students can unleash the lives they’ve until now only dreamed of.
Online Class
personal relationships
with others
This course provides an exploration of how to develop long-lasting relationships. From friends to family, relationships of all kinds are a vital part of having a well-balanced life. While reading this book, individuals will learn the most effective ways to communicate with those around them, and the keys for unlocking the door to more intimate relationships. In addition to all this, they can learn how to interact with those who are not Christians. This is a useful manual for relationships on every level.
Online Class
christian practices
This course provides an intense study on a variety of key issues facing the Church today. Christian Practices touches upon the subject of how money relates to the Church, for example, and the responsibility that Christians have to be good stewards of their resources. It also discusses the involvement believers should have with the Church, what Scripture has to say about baptism, the power of prayer, the purpose of Communion, and the power of personal testimonies vis-a-vis witnessing.
Online Class
obedience to god
As believers we are called to love God. Indeed, Jesus declared this to be the most important commandment of all. However, in loving God, we find that we must also obey Him. Obedience to God takes a look at the relationship between love and obedience, and offers practical ways to submit even the most rebellious heart to His authority. If we do not, the outcome can be devastating, as shown through real-life examples given in this study.
Online Class
obedience to man
Submission to authority is a challenge for many in the Church today. Truth is, it’s a crucial part of the growing process. As members of the body of Christ, we are called to work together in harmony and unity. This course will equip you and those around you to fulfill that call. If you are in any leadership role, this book will provide you with valuable methods for successful partnerships with your Christian co-workers.